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Am I a Chreaster Now?
Am I a "Chreaster" Now?
  Ever heard of a “Chreaster”? I’m not sure if it’s a well-known slang word many people know, but I certainly didn’t know it until my former pastor introduced me to it. It’s...
When Perfect Churches Don’t Exist
When Perfect Churches Don't Exist
  Despite what it looks like, I’m not on a quest to find a perfect church.    Or a perfect pastor.  Or a perfect elder. Or a perfect congregant. Or Heaven on Earth for that matter.   That would be...
The Younger One
The Younger One
It was about a year ago. She was 17 years old when I met her. I didn’t know her personally at first. And she didn’t know me. She had been attending for 5 years. We attended for nearly 10. And...
Dismantling Habits
The Dismantling of Habits
  It was time to put my big girl pants on, yet again. Ten months into working with my counselor, she informed me that she would be moving out of state in a couple of months. She had already made plans...
Do I know you
Do I Know You?
  Our baby was just a few weeks old. Miguel and I ventured to Target to buy some basics. It was summer and my newborn was still a featherweight so I decided to hold him up on one shoulder as we meandered...
Intro to breather
Intro to "Breather Posts"
  As I was re-listening to Dr. Phil Monroe’s talk from last week’s post, I was reminded of the need to take a breather from the heavy things in life when attempting to heal from trauma. He reminded me...
Finding a Therapist
Finding A Therapist
  I knew I needed to find a therapist. Someone to help me flesh out all that had happened and all that was happening. However, I had a newborn at home who was constantly nursing and four other children...
A Dreamer in the Worst Way
A Dreamer in the Worst Way
  The day starts like any other day. I wake up in my bed and as I turn toward my nightstand to reach for my glasses, it’s there. Fresh memories begin saturating my thoughts in discombobulated segments. ...
Just find a new church
Just Find Another Church?
It was the fall after we were excommunicated, and all of the back-to-school routines were starting up again. The kids were missing their friends, their community, and the fun weeknight kid’s program our...
10 ways - 2
Ways to Help the Wounded in Your Life - Part 2
When figuring out ways to engage with someone who has been wounded, it is helpful to bring a spirit of curiosity to the conversation. Try to find out what would be most helpful to that individual or family....
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